Personal Details | Education | Professional Experiences | Awards | Editorial Activities | Publications

Personal Detailsnadia-2013
Date of birth: 22 February 1956, Bologna
Nationality: Italian

University of Bologna
Laboratori R. Sartori
Via S. Alberto, 163
48123 Ravenna
Tel.: +39-0544-937.332
Fax +39-0544-937.323


Department of Physics and Astronomy
Viale Berti Pichat 8
40127 Bologna
Tel: +39-051-2095023

Short CV

Nadia PINARDI holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University, and she is full professor of Oceanography at Bologna University, Italy. Her interests range from ocean numerical modelling and predictions to data assimilation, numerical modelling of the marine physical-biological interactions and pollutants at sea. She has written more than hundred and thirty papers in peer reviewed journals on a wide range of subjects. The last topic of her research is the understanding of uncertainties in ensemble forecasting, data assimilation for ocean forecasting and oil spill numerical modelling coupled to operational oceanographic forecasts.

She has coordinated, since the middle of the nineties, the development and implementation of operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea, inside the strategy of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) of Unesco-IOC. She has been the director of the National Group of Operational Oceanography of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology from 2004 to 2012. She has been Member of the European Space Agency Space Advisory Group, of the European Environment Agency Scientific Advisory Committee and of the European Research Council for Earth Sciences. She is now co-president of the Joint Committee for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), a WMO and Unesco-IOC coordinating group for the development of operational meteo-marine and oceanographic services. She is also Member of the Strategic Board of the Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC).

1976-1980: Degree in Physics, Bologna University, 110/110 cum laude.
1981-1993: Master in Applied Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A.
1983-1985: Ph.D. in Applied Physics (Physical Oceanography), Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A.

Italian Professional Experiences

Year Professional experience
2018 Full Professor of Physical Oceanography at the University of Bologna, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
1999- 2018 Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography at the University of Bologna, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
2004-2013 Director of the National Group of Operational Oceanography, INGV
2001-present Associate researcher (scientific affiliation) at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
2007-present Associate researcher (scientific affiliation) at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC)
2000-2003 Associate researcher (scientific affiliation) at Istituto Geologia Marina-CNR, Bologna
1994-1998 Lecturer of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at the University of Bologna, Italy.
1986-1999 Research scientist at the Centro Nazionale Ricerche (CNR), Bologna.


US Professional Experiences


Professional experience
1986-1988 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Physical Oceanography, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, U.S.A. (6 months in a year)
1992-1994 Visiting scientist at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (part-time, 6 months in a year).
1992-2001 Visiting scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado (1 month in July)
2002-2011 Visiting scientist at the North West Research Associates, Colorado Research Associates (CoRA), Boulder, Colorado (1 month)
2012-2018 Visiting scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), Colorado University, Boulder, USA (1 month)


Italian and international advisory committees (from 2006 only)


Professional experience
2004-2007 President of the National Oceanographic Commission, an advisory body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Italy at Unesco-IOC.
2005-2008 Member of the Ruder Boskovic Institute (Croatia) Science Advisory Board.
2006-2012 Chair of the Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network (MOON)
2006-2012 Member of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Bologna University.
2006-2009 Member of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) Science Advisory Board.
2007-2010 Member of the Space Advisory Group, European FP7 Space Programme
2006-2011 Member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC).
2008-2012 Member of the European Research Council (ERC), Committee for Earth Sciences (P10).
2007-2012 Member of the European Environmental Agency (EEA) Scientific Steering Committee.
2009-2016 Co-Chair of the Memorandum of Agreement for “Italy-China Program for Operational Oceanography and Climate Change Research”
2010-2015 Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) National Contact person for the UNESCO-IOC
2012-2021 Co-president of the Joint Committee for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (Joint WMO and IOC-Unesco Committee)



2007: European Geophysical Union (EGU) Fridtjof Nansen Medal for Oceanography (
2008: UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Roger Revelle Medal.
2015: Italian Republic Honors “Commendatore Ordine al merito della Repubblica italiana”- for her scientific contribution in strategic fields for the sustainable development such as oceanography and climatology
2017: Laurea Honoris Causa from the University of Liege, Belgium.


Editorial Activities

1999-2006: Topic Editor of Annales Geophysicae, EGU Journal, Ocean section.
2005-2017: Topic Editor of Ocean Sciences, EGU Journal
2007-2017: Associate editor of Journal of Operational Oceanography
2011-2017: Member of the Editorial Board of The Sea, Journal of Marine Research, Yale University
2012-2017: Topic Editor of Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, EGU Journal
2017-2020: Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans

Teaching and thesis supervision

2009-present: Undergraduate course in 'Introduction to meteorology and oceanography', Dept. of Environmental Sciences.
2000-present: Undergraduate course in 'Geophysical Fluid dynamics', Dept. of Environmental Sciences.
2000-present: Undergraduate course in 'Physical Oceanography', Dept. of Environmental Sciences.
2008-present: Undergraduate course: Meteorology and Oceanography, Dept. of Environmental Sciences
2000-2010: Graduate course in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Physical Oceanography at University of Bologna, Genova University and University Cà Foscari, Venice

Master students: 48
Ph.D. students: 22


Web of Science (as of January 2019)

Publications found 147
Sum of the Times Cited 4844
Average Citations per Item 33
h-index 38

Google Scholar

Citations 8154

Organisation of Conferences

October 1995 Chairperson of the “Mediterranean Forecasting” Conference of the European Service Fundation, La Londe Le Moures, France.
June 30-July 13, 1997 Chairperson of the MAST Advanced School on Ocean Forecasting, Oristano, Sardinia.
June 2001 GLOBEC Workshop on ecosystem data assimilation, co-chair with Prof. A.R.Robinson.
2003-2007 Chair of EGU session: Mediterranean Sea: a laboratory for interdisciplinary studies and climate research.



  • N. Pinardi and J.D. Woods. Ocean Forecasting: conceptual basis and applications, Springer-Verlag, pp.472 (2002)
  • G. Montanari and N. Pinardi, 2006. Le correnti costiere dell’Emilia Romagna nel periodo 1995-2002 (The current of Emilia Romagna coastal strip during the period 1995-2002). I quaderni di ARPA.
  • N.Pinardi, 2009. Misurare il mare, Luigi Ferdinando Marsili nel Bosforo e nell’Egeo, 1679-1680. Bononia University Press

Relevant international coordination and national research activities (from 2006 only)

  1. 2003- 2006: Scientific coordinator and co-principal investigator of the EU project “Mediterranean Forecasting System Toward Environmental Prediction-MFSTEP”, 48 European partners. The partner budget is 450,000 Euro, awarded to INGV.
  2. 2004- 2008: Co-principal investigator of the Space Program project “'Marine Environment and Security for the European Area” aimed at the development of operational forecasting capabilties in the European Seas and the global ocean. The partner budget is 400,000 Euro awarded to INGV.
  3. 2004- 2005: Co-principal investigator of the ESA project “Definition of scenarios and roadmap for an operational oceanography mission”.
  4. 2005-2006: Scientific coordinator and co-principal Investigator of Neres project (NEretva River Delta Environmental Requalification and Sustainable Development) financed by the Italian Ministry of Environment developing the Neretva monitoring system for salt intrusion control and management. Total budget 100000 Euro, awarded to CMCC.
  5. 2007-2010: Co-Principal investigator of the Italian Space Agency project ‘Progetto Pilota Inquinamento marino da idrocarburi (PRIMI)’ for the development of oi spill monitoring from satellites and forecasting. The partner budget was 500,000 Euro, awarded to INGV.
  6. 2007-2014 Co-principal investigator of the EEA European Topic Centre for Water (ETC-WATER), developing interfaces with the European Marine Service products for quality of marine environment assessments. The partner budget is 200,000 Euro, awarded to INGV.
  7. 2004-2007: Co-principal investigator of Office of Naval Research project Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Augment the Mediterranean Ocean Forecast System.
  8. 2007-2009: Co-principal investigator of Office of Naval Research project ‘Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Augment the Mediterranean Forecast System: Extending Ensemble Ocean Forecast Skill’.
  9. 2008-2010: Co-principal investigator of Office of Naval Research project ‘Bayesian Hierarchical Models to Augment the Mediterranean Forecast System: Consolidating Results and Quantifying Impacts’.
  10. 2007- 2010: Scientific co-ordinator and co-principal Investigator of ADRICOSM-STAR (ADRIatic sea integrated COastal areaS and river basin Management system - Montenegro coaSTal ARea and Bojana river catchment) funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea. The Project involved 19 laboratories from four countries (Italy, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania). The total budget is 3,000,000 Euro awarded to CMCC.
  11. 2010- 2011: Scientific coordinator and co-principal Investigator of the World Bank Project ‘Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management Project’ managed at CMCC and funded through the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism. The project developed a coupled meteorological-hydrological- and oceanographic modelling system to study impacts of urban development and energy production scenarios. Total budget of 200,000 Euro, awarded to CMCC.
  12. 2008-2012: Co-principal Investigator and Member of the Steering Board of the European Project MyOcean for the implementation of the Copernicus/GMES Marine Service under the EU Space program. The partner budget is 1,000,000 Euro awarded to INGV.
  13. 2011-2013, Scientific coordinator and co-principal Investigator of the project ADRICOSM-Intermediate funded by The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro for the development of an Integrated Coastal Monitoring Program for the Montenegro coasts. Total budget is 180,000 Euro, awarded to CMCC.
  14. 2012- 2014: Co-principal Investigator and Member of the Steering Board of the European Project MyOcean2 for the implementation of the Copernicus/GMES Marine Service under the EU Space program. The partner budget is 800,000 Euro, awarded to INGV.
  15. 2012–2014, Scientific coordinator and co-principal investigator of the national project ‘Advanced Technologies for the Situational Sea Awareness’ aimed at the upgrading of coastal forecasting services for the Italian Seas and the development of applications for the exploitation and protection of marine resources. The partner budget is 5,000,000 Euro, awarded to CMCC.
  16. 2013-2016, Co-principal Investigator of the FP7 EU project MELODIES that aims at developing tools for the exploitation of open access data in the marine field. The partner budget is 150,000 Euro, awarded to INGV.
  17. 2013-2017, Scientific coordinator and co-principal investigator DGMARE-EMODNET Project ‘Mediterranean Sea Basin Checkpoint’ for the end-to-end assessment of the Mediterranean Sea-wide observing and modeling systems. Total budget is 1,100,000 Euro, awarded to INGV-Bologna , 9 international partners and 250,000 Euro for INGV.
  18. 2015-2019, Co-principal Investigator and Member of the Steering Committee of the H2020 project AtlantOS. The partner budget is 150,000 awarded to University of Bologna.
  19. 2017-2019, Co-principal Investigator of the H2020 project MARISA. The partner budget is 160000 awarded to University of Bologna.
  20. 2017-2021, Co-principal Investigator of the H2020 project SeaDataCloud. The partner budget is 120000 awarded to University of Bologna.
  21. 2018-2022, Co-principal investigator H2020 project OPERANDUM.